Plan: Aurasma Experiences on HW, SW and
Network classification.
Students in grade 11
will create an Aurasma experience to show their knowledge about Software,
Hardware and Network in computing systems for their IBDP Computer Science
IBDP CS Assessment
Statement: Define the term hardware,
software, peripheral, network and human resource.
SMART Objective:
Each group of 3 students will create a virtual experience of three
Auras using Aurasma and augmented reality for others to learn about the
different types of HW, SW and networks in computing systems.
Specific: To create an Aurasma experience (Augmented
reality) to show the concepts covered by the unit. The final product will be the specific
Measurable: Quantity expectations. Each student will be asked to create at least
one Aura for HW, one for SW and one for Network.
Achievable: The
students will learn and install the tool ahead of time, and they will have a
specific set of material to be able to achieve the previously set goal of three
auras per group.
Relevant: Students will be able to define appropriately
the concepts of HW, SW and Network at the end of the activity, which is the
learning goal of the lesson.
Time-Oriented: The activity is designed to be completed in
the 2 class periods space.
Students’ cellphones
Additional IPads
Students’ Laptops
Backup Computers
Color Printer
Other external HW (part of the computer lab)
Internet availability
Broken Computer to Open Up.
Paper for printing
Aurasma app installed in all devices.
Presentation or photo and video editing software in laptops
or computers.
Before the lesson day, students will be instructed to
install the Aurasma app in their cellphones and bring them to class fully
charged. They will also be given access
to material (reading) related to the classification of HW, SW and Networks in
computer systems. Students will be
required to take notes prior to the class.
Teacher will prepare and example Aurasma experience for the
students to see, and will create accounts for them as a backup for any issues
they might encounter creating their own.
Backup IPads will be loaded with the App and registered with
the accounts created.
Students will be presented with the objectives
for the lesson.
Students will be presented with an example of
the use of Aurasma and asked to create groups for working in teams of 2 or 3
people to create an Aurasma experience* that they will prepare in one of the classroom
bulletin boards.
Students will be asked to create 3 different
Auras: 1 for HW classification, one for SW classification and one for network
connectivity definition.
Students will have access to an old laptop
opened for access to internal pieces, and different external devices such us
speakers, printer, etc. They will use pictures of the different part to create
the Aura about hardware.
Students can use Internet and video and image
software editing to create the different images or links they will overlap in
their auras. The layers that will appear
on top of the target are images explaining the different classifications of HW
and SW and/or videos providing extra information in these topics.
Students will print the target pictures created
for their Auras and will organize them in a section of the classroom bulleting
board, together with instructions for others to scan them using Aurasma.
* Aurasma is an
augmented reality website and app that allows you to create augmented reality
experiences. This is, images, pictures
or spaces than when looked through the camera of your cellphone and using the
Aurasma app will have additional content popping up, that is not part of the
physical picture being scanned (this is called a target picture).
Backup plan:
In case of device failure, sufficient additional IPads will
be prepared.
In case of Internet failure, downloaded research resources
will be provided, and students will be asked to create their layers, and
putting together on Aurasma from home, or on a later date.
Evaluation and
Students will use an evaluation
rubric to provide peer feedback to the other 2 groups.
Sources (For mobile learning and smart objectives)
Smith, T. (2014). Writing
Measurable Learning Objectives - TeachOnline. Retrieved October 02, 2016,
from https://teachonline.asu.edu/2012/07/writing-measurable-learning-objectives/
Prensky, M. (2005). Shaping
Tech for the Classroom. Retrieved October 02, 2016, from http://www.edutopia.org/adopt-and-adapt-shaping-tech-for-classroom
W. (2016). M-learning.
Retrieved October 02, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-learning
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