Friday, September 16, 2016

Strategies for ELL students in an IBDP CS class

by: Mery Tellez

For my IBDP Computer Science class I will be teaching a unit in Data Representation for students in grade 11. 
The objectives for the unit are:
  • Convert positive denary integers into binary and positive binary integers into denary.
  • Recognize the use of binary numbers in computer systems.
  • Represent integers as hexadecimal numbers
  • Show understanding of the reasons for choosing hexadecimal to represent numbers
  • Convert positive hexadecimal integers to and from denary
  • Convert positive hexadecimal integers to and from binary
  • Show understanding of the concept of a byte and how the byte is used to measure memory size.

An example of what students will be asked to do, is to convert numbers between different base number systems, and be able to explain how and why this systems are used in computing, for example understanding the codification system for colors in HTML using RGB colors and hexadecimal numbers.

I work at an International Private School in Beijing, China.  In my classroom I have a variety of ELL students.  The first group I have is formed by a couple of English native speakers, and a couple of students with advanced fluency, who have been studying for a long time in international schools, or are from countries with a strong English language program in their schools.  For this group of students the language I will be speaking (computer science) will be foreign one anyways, so I will always start every unit reminding them that in this class (contrary to others) most of them are being exposed to the material for the first time, I remind them that we are all “newbies” and that not understanding is ok.
With this group of students I will use connection to other academic areas, for example I will ask them to count in decimal system and come up with an algorithm for counting using manipulatives.  I ask them to develop a method to explain how to count to a toddler (ones, tents, hundreds, etc. are brought back to memory), and then I translate their method to the other numeric systems.

Another group of my students are in the beginning fluency stage, I find this to be one of the most difficult stages to deal with, given that my school does not have a formal evaluation process for ELL students, and therefore these students are difficult to identify at first.  Their conversational level is good enough for you to believe they are in another stage, so it is easy to make assumptions of their understanding.  For this group of students one strategy will be to pair them with the advanced fluency ones, so they can help them make the connections they could possible have lost due to lack of vocabulary.  These students will work in pre-arranged pairs of advanced fluency and beginning fluency to create a visual organizer (mind map, table, etc.) to summarize the uses of hexadecimal numbers in computing and explaining the reasons why this encoding is used and the benefits of it.  All CS students are also going to be asked to keep a glossary of terms for themselves.  For students in this level, they will be asked to find formal definitions using appropriate terminology and to keep the glossary with them at all times.  These students will often be target of my open-ended questions, so I can re-phrase their answers with proper grammar or terminology, they will be encouraged to used their glossary when responding to these questions.

I have another student who recently moved to China.  As explained before we don’t have an official way to evaluate his level of English, but given the few conversations I’ve been able to exchange with him, I believe he is in an early production stage.  The textbooks and support material are out of his reading level and his responses are rare and using only very basic sentence structure.  He might be also simply passing through the mute stage of a third culture kid, but while he adjusts, I am planning to ask him to produce a different kind of assignments.  I will be giving him written and will read aloud multiple-choice questions, instead of open ending ones for the beginning of the class.  I will be using a lesson in which I use the students as bits from the computer, and holding white or black cards they will represents the bits being on and off (0 – 1).  It is a very simple way to understand binary numbers, and to explain some of the conversion techniques, and as it is highly visual, is perfectly suited for this level of ELL students.  I would also provide this student with a glossary of terms that I created myself (rather than asking him to create it based on textbook reading), and I will use simpler sentences that he can repeat to define the concepts of the unit.

I have one student only in the Speech emergent stage; her first language is Chinese. In her case, I will use some of the same techniques I am planning to use in the previous case.  Additionally, I will ask her to do her group activities together with one of my Chinese speaking with advanced fluency ELL, so they can switch to Chinese when necessary during group work.  Questions for checking on last lesson topics will be aimed to short answers, and she will as well be provided with a glossary of terms written in a simpler way that she can use as a reference when answering questions.  I will encourage her, to take notes during lectures, and I will illustrate how she can take notes using diagrams and graphics that will later help her to go over the topics covered.

This is a unit that adapts easily to the different English levels of the students, as it is more practical and requires a lot of mathematical and not necessarily verbal or written skills.  I’ve found in the past that explaining this topic with the help of videos, and activities like the ones explained before, works for everybody as it fits a variety of needs not only ELL needs.

Haynes, J. (1998). Stages of Second language acquisition. Retrieved September 16, 2016, from Everything ESL: 
Robertson, K. & Ford, K (2009).  Language Acquisition: an Overview. Retrieved September 16, 2016, from Colorin Colorado:

Bongolan, R & Moir, E. (2005). Key Strategies for Teachers of English-Language Learners. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from:

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